Medical Malpractice Training
• Patient Rights and Obligations
- Right to Life and Right to Health
- Protection of Personal Health Data
• Informed Consent (Informed Consent)
• Physician Rights, Responsibilities and Obligations
- Ways of Claiming Rights
- Responsibility Arising from Drug Advice
• Medical Malpractice (Faulty-Bad Medical Practice)
• Medical Malpractice
-Complication Distinction
• Responsibilities Arising from Medical Intervention
- Evaluation and Legal Nature of the Physician-Patient Relationship
- Definition of Medical Intervention and Compliance with the Law
- Legal, Criminal and Administrative Liability
• How Should We Avoid Medical Malpractice?
- Mandatory Professional Liability Insurance for Physicians
• Judicial Decisions, Case Examples and Discussions in Medical Practice Errors
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1. By EFT or Money Order to the bank account we have an agreement with, by stating the "Education Name" and "Name Surname" information in the description section.
İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi İktisadi | 24807093 | Ümraniye Şubesi (248) | TL | TR15 0006 7010 0000 0024 8070 93 |
Training Coordinator and Educator

Uzm. Dr. Melih Çamcı
Emergency Medicine Specialist - Lawyer - Health Law Science Specialist

Uzm. Dr. Melih Çamcı
Emergency Medicine Specialist - Lawyer - Health Law Science Specialist
Pre-Application Form
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