Kinesio Taping Training for the Face
Since the cosmetic facial taping technique has only recently been put into practice, applications for wrinkles, edema, tissue loosening and jaw problems on the face will be demonstrated with the Light Touch Plus kinesio tape used specifically for the face.
In recent years, the kinesio taping technique, which has become an effective treatment approach among physiotherapy and rehabilitation modalities, is a special taping technique first developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase in the 1970s, which is performed with an acrylic, adhesive, colored elastic cotton tape that can stretch up to 140% of its actual length. The tape, which has the ability to stretch 55–60% of its resting length in the longitudinal direction, can adapt to the tension and looseness that occur in the skin with movement, and mimics the thickness and flexibility of the skin. The kinesio tape lifts the skin tissue by creating micro folds in the skin; thus, the distance between the muscle and the interstitial area is increased. In this case, the pressure on the tense tissues is released and space is provided for lymphatic fluid movement. Therefore, kinesio taping, which can be used for cosmetic purposes as well as treatment, supports elasticity by increasing circulation in the skin.
General information about kinesio taping
Taping for wrinkles
Banding for percentage payout
Taping for tissue loosening
Taping for the jaw joint
Taping around the lips and eyes
Those with knowledge of anatomy, physiology and movement science
1 day / 6 hours
Those who complete this training will learn and be able to apply taping techniques for cosmetic purposes on the face, jaw and soft tissue elasticity for themselves or their clients.
You can use the following methods when making payment for Istanbul Atlas University Continuing Education Center trainings;
1. By EFT or Money Order to the bank account we have an agreement with, by stating the "Education Name" and "Name Surname" information in the description section.
İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi İktisadi | 24807093 | Ümraniye Şubesi (248) | TL | TR15 0006 7010 0000 0024 8070 93 |
At the end of the training, participants will be given an Atlas University certificate.

Prof. Dr. Yaşar Gül BALTACI

Pre-Application Form
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