Zero to Advanced Software Engineer Training Program / Employment Supported

The purpose of this training is to train qualified experts in the field of information technologies and to guide the career planning of those who work in the sector, want to enter the sector or aim to change their career.
General Information
With this training, which has an employment guidance guarantee for successful graduates and where you will develop web software from scratch to advanced level, you will gain project experience by learning the current technologies used in the sector. With our 10+ years of experienced trainers and our application development focused training approach, you can participate in the training with a 100% learning guarantee.
Program Content

1- Introduction to Software and Things to Know About the Industry

Understanding Algorithm Logic

Thinking Like a Programmer

Performing Related Installations

Frequently Asked Questions About the Software Industry

Difference Between Business Analyst, Tester and Developer

Preparing Development Environments

2- Introduction to Programming with C#

Variables, Value and Reference Types, Boxing and Unboxing

Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical Operators)

Decision Structures (If, Else, Else If, ​​Switch Case)

Loops (For, While, Do While)

Arrays (Array, ArrayList, ForEach Loop)

Methods (Returning Value - Not Returning, Taking Parameters - Not Taking Parameters, Method Overload)


Generic Structures (List, Dictionary)

Error Management (Try Catch)

3- MS SQL Server Database Management and Querying

Basic Concepts

Data and Database Concepts

What is Sql Server, Installation Procedures

Relational Database Concept

Creating a Database Within the Framework of Normalization Rules

Creating a Query with T-SQL (where, order by, in, not in, like, is Null, is not Null, group by, having, Count, Sum, Avg)

Sql Ready-Mathematical and Textual Functions

Relationships (JOIN)

Advanced Topics

Subqueries and Views

Stored Procedures and Parameters



Transaction Control

Backup and Restore

Security and Authorization

4- Database Management and Querying with Mongo DB

Basic Concepts

Introduction to NoSQL databases

What is MongoDB?

Database Creation and Design

Database Objects: Collections, Documents, Fields

Adding, Updating, Deleting and Reading Data

Query Structure and Operators

Aggregation Framework

Advanced Topics


Data Modeling and Relationships

Transaction Control

User Management and Authorization

Backup and Restore

Data Migration Between MongoDB and Other Databases

5- Object Oriented Programming

What is OOP and Why Should It Be Used?

Class and Object Concepts

Access Specifiers (Private, Public, Internal, Protected)

Enum, Struct Concepts

Inheritance ( Interface , Abstract)

The Concept of Static

6- Learning Basic Software Concepts with Windows Form

Introduction to Windows Form

Identifying Form Controls (Standard Controls, Menu and Data Controls)

MDI Form Logic and Moving Data Between Forms

7- File Operations

Reading and Writing Files

File Management

Database Connection

8- Front-End Web Development from Scratch to Advanced


What is HTML?

Basic HTML Tags

Text, Heading and Paragraph Tags

Listing and Table Labels

Form Labels

Image Tags

HTML5 New Features

Semantic Tags

Multimedia Tags

SVG Tags

Audio and Video Tags

HTML5 Canvas

Geolocation API


What is CSS?

CSS Colors and Backgrounds

CSS Text and Font Properties

CSS Box Model and Positioning

CSS Lists and Tables

CSS Borders and Shadows

CSS3 New Features

Transition and Animation

Transformation and Conversion

Multiple Backgrounds and Sidebars

Flexible Boxes and Grid System

Media Queries and Responsive Design


What is JavaScript?

Variables and Data Types

Operators and Decision Structures

Loops and Functions

Arrays and Objects

Events and Handlers

Error Catching

ES6 New Features

Tips for Readability and Writability

Closures, Scope and This

Promise and Async/Await

Classes and Inheritance

Modules and Packages

JavaScript and Web APIs


What is jQuery?

jQuery Basic Selectors and Manipulations

jQuery Events and Handlers

jQuery Animations and Transitions

jQuery AJAX and JSON Data

jQuery UI and Themes

jQuery Plugins

jQuery UI Plugins

jQuery and Frameworks Like Angular, React, Vue.js


What is TypeScript?

Data Types and Variables

Functions and Classes

Interfaces and Type Operations

Modules and Namespaces

TypeScript and ES6

TypeScript and Frameworks Like Angular, React, Vue.js

TypeScript and Web APIs

Design Patterns and Advanced Structures

Debugging and Testing TypeScript


Introduction to Angular

Angular CLI

TypeScript Basics

Creating and Configuring the Angular Project

Components and Inter-Component Communication


Template Syntax

Event Binding and Property Binding


Observables and RxJS Library

HTTP Requests and Web Services

Forms and Validation

Dependency Injection and Services

Routing and Navigation

Lazy Loading

Angular Material

Animations and Transitions

Unit Tests and Jasmine Framework

9- Application Development with Node.JS

What is Node.js?

Node.js Installation

Node.js File and Folder Operations

Creating a Node.js HTTP Server

Node.js Express Framework

Node.js Database Connection

Real-Time Communication with Node.js

Node.js and MongoDB

Node.js Modules and Package Management

Node.js and RESTful API Design

Node.js and MVC Design Patterns

Node.js Testing and Debugging

Node.js Deployment Methods

10- Web Development with ASP.NET CORE MVC

Model, view, controller concepts and introduction to NET CORE.

Startup, Configure and Configure Service Methods, Dependency Injection, Middleware Concepts, Tag Helpers

View, Layout, Partial View Concepts, What is Razor View Engine? Razor Syntax and HTML Helpers

Controller - View Data Transfer Operations (Get, Post), Model Binding Operations

Routing, Validation, Authentication Transactions

Introduction to ORM Concept and Entity Framework Core

DB First and Code First Approaches. Fluent Validation

Relationship Management

Layered Architecture - N-Tier Architecture

Linq Login

Linq Query, Filtering Types

11- Application Development with Web API

Web API basics

RESTful Web Services and HTTP protocol

Creating a Web API project

Using Controllers and Actions

Routing and URL configuration

Action filters and Action Result types

Model Binding and Model Validation

Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC)

API versioning

Authentication and Authorization

12- PROJECT 1: To Do App Application

Version 1.0 .NET MVC, MS SQL

Version 2.0 .Net WebApi and MSSQL

Version 3.0 Node.js MongoDb and Express

Version 4.0 Angular


In this training, participants are taught how to develop the basic task management application To Do with different technologies.

The application allows users to create, edit, complete, and delete tasks. The project shows how to create a To Do application using different technologies in each version mentioned above.


Version 1.0:

Application development with .Net MVC

Using Entity Framework Core and DB First approach

Login processes with cookies

Frontend development with Bootstrap

Listing with table structure

Recording and updating operations using modal

Deletion operations with the Javascript confirm method

Version 2.0:

RESTful API development with .Net WebApi

Using Entity Framework Core and Code First approach

User management with Identity Library

Authentication operations with Json Web Token

Backend development with single-tier application structure

Version 3.0:

API application development with Node.js and Express.js

Database operations with MongoDb and Mongoose libraries

User login and token management with JWT

Creating ID values ​​as GUID with the UUID library

Backend development with single-tier application structure

Version 4.0:

Frontend development with Angular

Developing standalone applications using a standalone approach

Design and user interaction with Bootstrap

Managing messages with Toastr

Deletion process and management of questions with Sweet Alert 2

RESTful API integration and operations with Angular

13- PROJECT 2: E-Commerce Application

Version 1.0 .NET MVC, MS SQL

Version 2.0 .Net WebApi and MSSQL

Version 3.0 Node.js MongoDb and Express

Version 4.0 Angular


In this project:

1) There will be Company and User entries.

2) When we log in with the company;

-- We will be able to see the list of products belonging to our company.

-- We will be able to add new products, update and delete them.

-- If there are incoming orders, we can accept/reject them.

-- We can ship orders that we accept.

3) We log in with the user;

-- We will be able to see the products we can order, category by category.

-- We will be able to add or delete products to the cart.

-- We will be able to make payments and withdraw orders.

-- We will be able to track the status of our order.

-- We will be able to see old orders.

-- We will be able to rate and comment on the order.

We will cover the training in 4 different versions and learn how we can design this type of project in these technologies.


Version 1.0:

Learning N-Tier Architecture

Using Entity Framework Core and Code First approach

User and company management with Identity Library

Login processes with cookies

Use of Unit of Work and Repository Pattern

Dependency Injection Pattern application

Learning logging with Serilog

Transform objects using Automapper

Implementing the pagination structure

Frontend development with Bootstrap, Toastr and Sweet Alert

Version 2.0:

Clean Architecture architecture learning

Login with Json Web Token

Separating command and query using CQRS pattern

Learning logging with Log4

Use of Cancellation Token structure

RESTful API development with .Net WebApi

Version 3.0:

API application development with Node.js and Express.js

Database operations using MongoDb and Mongoose library

User login and token management with JWT

Creating ID values ​​as GUID with the UUID library

RESTful API development with Node.js and Express.js

Version 4.0:

Frontend development with Angular

Developing standalone applications using a standalone approach

Design and user interaction with Bootstrap and Angular Material

Google login learning and practice

RESTful API integration and operations with Angular

14- PROJECT 3: Car Rental Application

Version 1.0 .NET MVC, MS SQL

Version 2.0 .Net WebApi and MSSQL

Version 3.0 Node.js MongoDb and Express

Version 4.0 Angular


In this project;

1) There will be User, Staff, Valet and Admin logins.

2) With admin login;

-- Vehicle adding, deleting, updating and listing operations can be performed.

-- You will be able to see statistical reports on rented vehicles.

-- You will be able to see the rented and available vehicles.

-- Will be able to see vehicle damage records

-- Able to respond to support messages

-- Able to chat live with users

-- Able to manage authorities

3) With personnel entry;

-- Available vehicle list can be viewed

-- Vehicle rental and payment transactions can be made

4) With valet entrance;

-- The vehicles whose rental process has started will be delivered.

-- Vehicles whose rental period has expired will be returned

-- Entering information such as vehicle damage records into the system during rental and return processes (tank full, empty, etc.)

5) With user login;

-- You will be able to see available vehicles with date and time information for delivery and return.

-- You will be able to search among vehicles according to their features, type and brand.

-- Will be able to rent a car and cancel if the rental process is not completed yet

-- You can chat live with the consultant via live chat

-- You can open a support request via Ticket

-- Will be able to get reports for past rental vehicles

6) The earliest time to rent a car is after 1 hour. For example, if it is 10:00, the car cannot be rented before 11:00.

7) If you want to rent for 15+ days, you will be directed to an application form and you will be told that the consultant will call you from the number on the forum.

8) After renting a car, you will be able to comment and evaluate it with stars.


Version 1.0:

Learning N-Tier Architecture

Using Entity Framework Core and Code First approach

User and role management with Identity Library

Login processes with cookies

Writing Attributes for role management

Use of Unit of Work and Repository Pattern

Dependency Injection Pattern application

Learning logging with Serilog

Transform objects using Automapper

Implementing the pagination structure

Developing a live chat application with SignalR

Version 2.0:

Clean Architecture architecture learning

Login with Json Web Token

Separating command and query using CQRS pattern

Learning logging with Log4

Use of Cancellation Token structure

Developing a live chat application with SignalR

Version 3.0:

API application development with Node.js and Express.js

Database operations using MongoDb and Mongoose library

User login and token management with JWT

Creating ID values ​​as GUID with the UUID library

Version 4.0:

Frontend development with Angular

Developing standalone applications using a standalone approach

Manage user notifications and questions using Toastr and Sweet Alert

Developing a live chat application with SignalR

Google login learning and practice

15- PROJECT 4: Online Course Application

Version 1.0 .NET MVC, MS SQL

Version 2.0 .Net WebApi and MSSQL

Version 3.0 Node.js MongoDb and Express

Version 4.0 Angular


In this project;

1)There will be Student, Teacher and Moderator login.

2)With teacher input;

-- Will be able to create courses, see their current courses, earnings, and registrations

-- Will be able to view course ratings and comments

-- Will be able to upload videos for the course

-- Will be able to message with students

3)With student login;

-- Will be able to add the course to the basket

-- Will be able to purchase courses

-- Will be able to watch the courses he/she purchased

-- You can comment and give stars

-- Will be able to receive a certificate at the end of the course

-- Can message with the teacher

4) With moderator login

-- Will be able to approve the created courses

-- Can remove comments and stars

-- Able to pay the teacher's wages


Version 1.0:

Learning N-Tier Architecture

Using Entity Framework Core and Code First approach

User management using Identity Library

Login processes with cookies

Use of Unit of Work and Repository Pattern

Dependency Injection Pattern application

Creating a manual class for logging

Transform objects using Automapper

Implementing the pagination structure

Version 2.0:

Clean Architecture architecture learning

Login with Json Web Token

Separating command and query using CQRS pattern

Use of Cancellation Token structure

Version 3.0:

API application development with Node.js and Express.js

Database operations using MongoDb and Mongoose library

User login and token management with JWT

Creating ID values ​​as GUID with the UUID library

Version 4.0:

Frontend development with Angular

Developing standalone applications using a standalone approach

Manage user notifications and questions using Toastr and Sweet Alert

Developing a live chat application with SignalR

Google login learning and practice

16- Career and Mentorship Training

Determining career goals and preparing CV.

Interview Questions and Ideal Answers

Questions That Should Not Be Asked in Interviews

SWOT Analysis

How to Use Linkedin and Other Social Media Channels Strategically

Elevator Pitch

Things to Consider During the Interview

How to Achieve Psychological Resilience in Business Life?

Communication Management

Who Should Attend
Anyone with general skills in the field of software and at least a university degree can participate.
Education time

300 hours / 100 days

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 19:30 - 22:30

Saturday - Sunday 09:30 - 14:30

Aim of the Program
To provide employment and meet the "technological human resource" needs of the sector by training the participants from scratch to advanced level with the knowledge, skills and equipment needed by the software sector.
Bank and Payment Information

You can use the following methods when paying for Istanbul Atlas University Continuing Education Center trainings;


1. By EFT or Money Transfer to the following bank account that we have contracted with, "Name-Surname" and "TR Identity Number" information must be specified in the explanation section,


TR62 0013 4000 0158 0989 7000 12


1. In the Financial Affairs unit*

2. address, "Name-Surname" and "TR Identity Number" information must be specified in the explanation section, online by credit card*
Discount Rate

35% early registration discount 52,500 TL

55% discount for Atlas University Students  36.000 TL

Participants who pass the exam at the end of the training will be given an Atlas University certificate.


Caner Mollaoğlu

Techsist Technology General Manager

Pre-Application Form

If you want to join our course program, please fill in the required information below.

'Personal Data Protection Law' in the scope of Information and Clarification Text I have read and approved. (*)