Micro Business Management Training
• Types of Company Structure for Commercial Activities;
- Joint Stock Company, Limited Liability Company
• Customer Segmentation;
- Who are my customers? What are its features? Different Customer Groups
• Marketing Plan;
- Market Analysis, Market Size, Target Market, Customer Acquisition and Retention
• Competitive Analysis and SWOT Analysis;
- Knowing Our Competitors, Identifying Our Strengths and Weaknesses
• Promotion and Communication Channels;
- Social Media Usage, After-Service Communication
• Cost Structure;
- Cost Items, Cost Minimization, Location Optimization
• Revenue Model;
- Pricing, Price Flexibility, Customer's Payment Preference
• Current Situation Analysis;
- Comparing Alternative Earnings Models
• Cash Flow Study;
- Income-Expenditure Balance, Breakeven Point
• Sustainability Strategy;
- Future Goals, Scenario Study Against Increasing Competition
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1. By EFT or Money Order to the bank account we have an agreement with, by stating the "Education Name" and "Name Surname" information in the description section.
İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi İktisadi | 24807093 | Ümraniye Şubesi (248) | TL | TR15 0006 7010 0000 0024 8070 93 |
Training Coordinator and Educator

Prof. Dr. Serdar Pirtini
Marmara Üniversitesi İşletme

Prof. Dr. Serdar Pirtini
Marmara Üniversitesi İşletme
Pre-Application Form
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