Hygiene and Sanitation Training
The Hygiene Education Regulation, published by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, entered into force on 05 July 2013. The existence of the pandemic that has caused the deaths of millions worldwide since March 2020 has increased the awareness of hygiene education.
This program is planned to be held in December, the dates can be revised in line with the requests to be sent. The training will be held face-to-face at the Atlas Vadi Campus of Istanbul Atlas University for 14 hours between 00:18 - 00:4 on Sundays every week.
On July 05, 2013, the Hygiene Education Regulation published by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock entered into force. The presence of the pandemic, which has caused the death of millions around the world since March 2020, has increased the interest and awareness in hygiene education. It has become mandatory in many occupational groups (Canteen Management, Meat and Meat Products Management, Food operators, Hotel and restaurant managers, etc.).
¬ Introduction to Hygiene and Sanitation
¬ Microorganisms
¬ Cleaning and Cleaning Materials
¬ Disinfection
¬ Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures
¬ Sanitation Equipment and Systems
¬ Personal Care
¬ Personnel Hygiene
¬ Disposal of Waste Materials
¬ Air Hygiene
¬ Quality Assurance and Sanitation Program Development
¬ Foodborne Microbial Diseases
¬ HACCP (English Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)
No graduation requirement or prerequisite is required to participate in this training. In addition, those living abroad and foreign nationals can apply.
4 Week
This training aims for the employee to serve in a way that does not endanger himself and the health of the people he / she works with, according to the characteristics of each occupational group. It also aims to ensure that all measures are taken effectively to reduce the rate of spread of epidemic diseases.
You can use the following methods when making payment for Istanbul Atlas University Continuing Education Center trainings;
1. By EFT or Money Order to the bank account we have an agreement with, by stating the "Education Name" and "Name Surname" information in the description section.
İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi İktisadi | 24807093 | Ümraniye Şubesi (248) | TL | TR15 0006 7010 0000 0024 8070 93 |
¬ 40% for Istanbul Atlas University students,
¬ 20% to Istanbul Atlas University personnel and their relatives,
¬ 20% for group discount requests,
discount will be applied.
At the end of this training "certificate of participation" It will be given.
Training Coordinator and Educator

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Hatice Nur HALİPÇİ TOPSAKAL
T.C. İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi
M.Y.O. Tıbbi Hizmetler Ve Teknikler Bölümü

Dr.Öğr. Üyesi Hatice Nur HALİPÇİ TOPSAKAL
T.C. İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi
M.Y.O. Tıbbi Hizmetler Ve Teknikler Bölümü

Enfeksiyon Kontrol Ve Eğitim Hemşiresi
Medicine Hospital
Enfeksiyon Kontrol Ve Eğitim Hemşiresi
Pre-Application Form
If you want to join our course program, please fill in the required information below.