Full Stack .Net Developer Training
With this training, you can gain industry experience and develop applications in MVC infrastructure with ASP.Net Core, the latest technology in Microsoft's web software development field, with object oriented programming, N-tier architecture, asynchronous programming, You will gain experience in advanced technology topics such as web software security, web services (API), Sql Server database management system.
With this training, you can gain industry experience and develop applications in MVC infrastructure with ASP.Net Core, the latest technology in Microsoft's web software development field, with object oriented programming, N-tier architecture, asynchronous programming, You will gain experience in advanced technology topics such as web software security, web services (API), Sql Server database management system.
With this training program that trains Full Stack Software Developers, you will be able to design the database of an application, write the backend codes, which we call backend coding, and code the front of the application on the frontend.
Participants who successfully complete the training program will be supported by the Istanbul Education Academy during their employment process.
- Software Development Fundamentals with C#,
- Database Management with Microsoft Sql Server,
- Ado.Net and Entity Framework Technologies,
- Project Development in Enterprise Architecture with ASP.NET Core MVC Pattern,
- N-Tier Coding in Enterprise Structure with Architecture (Layered Structure),
- Identity Mechanism,
- Web API (Web Service),
- Application Development Using Design Patterns,
- Microservice Logic for Large-Scale Applications,
- ReactJSile Frontend (Frontface) Coding Techniques
16 weeks, 240 hours
*Training days may change according to the demands of the trainer and participant according to the weeks.
Wednesdays: between 19:30 – 22:30
On Thursdays: between 19:30 and 22:30
On Fridays: between 19:30 and 22:30
Within the scope of the training program, which will be developed with a focus on project development, it is aimed to train software developers who can develop applications in corporate architecture and use current technology in the most effective way, within the framework of the following main topics.
You can use the following methods when making payment for Istanbul Atlas University Continuing Education Center trainings;
1. By EFT or Money Order to the bank account we have an agreement with, by stating the "Education Name" and "Name Surname" information in the description section.
İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi İktisadi | 24807093 | Ümraniye Şubesi (248) | TL | TR15 0006 7010 0000 0024 8070 93 |
25% discount to Atlas University staff, Atlas University students and Medicine Hospital staff
e-government approved Certificate
Training Coordinator and Educator

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Recep Duranay
T.C. İstanbul Atlas Üniversitesi
Computer Engineering Faculty Member

Istanbul Education Academy
in cooperation
Pre-Application Form
If you want to join our course program, please fill in the required information below.